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Improve the Resale Value of Your Car

A message from Liberty Mutual Insurance

We’ve all heard how a new car’s value depreciates the moment you drive off the lot. So it may seem counterintuitive to think of your car as a financial investment. However, a little effort along the way can pay substantial dividends down the road. Here are simple things you can do to drive the value of your car up when it comes time to sell.

Buy Smart
The time to start thinking about selling your car is before you even buy it. suggests you do some online research to see which makes and models hold their value before you purchase a new car. You may even find that treating yourself to a nicer model is also a smarter move economically.

Park Smart
If possible, park your car away from other cars to avoid door dings. If you must park near other cars, watch out for 2-door models with extra long doors. When possible, park in the shade to protect the material of your dashboard.

Keep a Clean Machine
Dirt doesn’t just look bad – it can actually deteriorate your car faster. Clean your car inside and out regularly to help protect paint and fabric. Plus, who doesn’t love being behind the wheel of a just-washed car?

Stay Under Cover
Seat covers are a relatively small investment that will keep your interior looking brand new – especially if you have pets or children. They’ll not only protect your seats from everyday wear and tear, they’ll shield them from sun damage. If your seats are already looking a bit worn, seat covers can help them look new again.

Keep Records
Anyone can say they’ve taken good care of their car. Records provide proof, so be sure to save all receipts in a folder so you can present them to a prospective buyer. recommends that you maintain your car regularly, and take care of small problems before they become big problems. If you’re placing an ad for your car, be sure to mention recent work that’s been done.

What NOT to Do
Avoid smoking in your car; the smell will likely be a deal breaker to a non-smoker. Eating in your car is not only unsafe, it causes stains and leaves crumbs in hard-to-reach places. Finally, if you need to get your car painted, don’t get too creative.  A color that’s hard on the eyes will certainly be a hard sell.

Of course, a good auto insurance policy the most important protection of all. With Liberty Mutual Insurance, you can enjoy superior auto coverage and save money at the same time.

To learn more about Liberty Mutual Auto and Home Insurance or to get a free, no-obligation quote, call (888) 828-4694 or visit